Local Information
Bus, tram, trolleybus. Traveling within Cluj-Napoca is straight-forward and convenient.
There is a transport network connecting city districts, and commuters can choose between trolleybus, bus and tram to reach their destination.
Tickets for public transport are sold at every station in the city. You have to buy your ticket from the desks as there are no Vending Machines (return ticket (city) - 4 lei; night bus fare - 3 lei).
Open: Monday to Friday 5.30 am - 9 pm and Saturday and Sunday, 6 am - 9 pm. Some desks are closed during the weekend.
Taxi. Taxis are the other alternative for urban traveling. There are around 3000 cabs in Cluj-Napoca; you can recognize them by the signs on the side doors and on the top. There are about 5 major cab companies: Diesel, Terra&Fan, Pro rapid, Nova, Pritax, etc. Their cars are all equipped with taximeters and have about the same prices, posted in a visible place outside (under the lateral mirrors) and inside. You are charged 2.00 lei for departure, 2.00 lei/kilometer and 2.00 lei/minute of idle time during daytime and 2.50 lei/minute during the night or 17.00 lei/hour. You will also be given a receipt.
There are some unregistered taxis, operating especially around the railway station and the airport. Try to avoid them, as they will charge you even three times the normal price.
- Cluj yesterday and today
- Baroque Cluj
- Churches Route
- Museums Route
- Tour of gardens and parks
- Underground incursion
More informations about some guided city tours can be found at http://www.visitclujnapoca.ro/en/despre-cluj/city-tours/.